If you have been considering new services for your dental practice have you thought about dental sleep medicine training?
DSM Solutions specializes in dental sleep medicine training and will custom design a program that is created especially for you and your dental practice.
The unique programs offered by DSM Solutions do much more than others do. For example, you and your team not only learn how to identify obstructive sleep apnea, but you and your team will also learn how to treat it without surgery instead using oral appliance therapy.
Dental Sleep Medicine Training
The tools and support provided by DSM Solutions are like no other. The focused training sessions are both live and web-based. This gives you optimum support when it comes to learning everything you need to know about obstructive sleep apnea.
OSA is Dangerous
If you have been following the DSM Solutions Blog, you will remember that obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially deadly condition. The condition causes a person to wake up abruptly while sleeping.
This condition occurs throughout the night and can happen up to thirty times or more every hour. Because the brain notices that you aren’t breathing, it will wake you up so that you can catch a breath. This causes issues with your heart and other organs. In fact, people with severe OSA have noticed heart problems.
Your Time is Valuable
As dentists themselves, the team from DSM Solutions understands how valuable your time is. Adding a new service to your menu should be fun and educational, but it should also allow you to continue to work the way you normally do.
DSM Solutions will work around your daily schedule. You will meet with your teachers and instructors on the days that are convenient. Convenient for your entire dental practice, including your team members.
The Advantages of Dental Sleep Medicine Training
One of the biggest advantages of DSM Solutions is overall health. This type of service allows you to treat overall as well as oral health issues. In fact, you will probably see new patients coming through your door because you are offering something that most dental practices do not. This adds value to your dental practice. It also adds dental patient flow because you will be getting patients who will most likely start seeing you for dental care as well.
Dental Sleep Medicine Training
If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training for your dental practice, call, send a text or a direct message to a team member from DSM Solutions today.