• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com

Category Archives: News

If you are looking for a new service to add to your menu, contact DSM Solutions. Dental Sleep Medicine is a hot new service that is taking the world by storm.

This trending service also helps your patients and people who never would have set foot in your dental practice get the help they need.

Had you not offered oral appliance therapy and other methods for obstructive sleep apnea you may never have met your new patient and his or her family.

Dental Sleep Medicine When it Counts

Dental sleep medicine training for DSM Solutions takes students one step further. That step teaches you and your team how to diagnose OSA. Unlike some institutions, DSM Solutions actually teaches you how to treat AND diagnose OSA.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is Dangerous

The sleep medicine experts from DSM Solutions understand how dangerous OSA can be.

If you are a subscriber to the DSM Blog you will know that obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially deadly condition that causes daytime drowsiness, low libido, morning headaches and dry mouth.

OSM causes the sufferer to wake numerous times every hour. Of course, people who sleep alone may never know they have OSA as the brain wakes them up so quickly that they fall back to sleep. People who wake up abruptly gasping for breath are usually diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

Dental sleep medicine training is designed for both doctors and their teams. This means that no one is left out of the loop when it comes to diagnosing and treating obstructive sleep apnea.

It takes teamwork to test and treat people who have OSA. DSM Solutions prides itself on making sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to training.

Mild to Moderate OSA

Some of the symptoms people experience, including yourself or a member of your family may include:

  • Waking up abruptly
  • Loud snoring
  • Breathing cessation observed by others
  • Waking with a headache
  • Chronic dry mouth
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Insomnia
  • Low libido
  • Waking gasping for breath
  • Problems concentrating

Other symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include memory loss, irritability, hyperactivity and the need to go to the bathroom excessively while sleeping.

Fatigue and depression when added to the mix are also signs of obstructive sleep apnea.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training for the 21st Century

If you would like to better the lives of your patients and your dental practice, call or send a text and talk to a dental sleep medicine experts from DSM Solutions today.

Now you can add a service to your menu that will literally change people’s lives and make them healthier. Of course, as a dentist you are already doing that, but just imagine if you could take your dental practice one step further with sleep apnea training for dentists.

A New Frontier with Dental Sleep Medicine

Most cosmetic dentistry procedures are already flooding the market with tooth straightening systems, in office whitening and same day dentistry. While all of these treatments are wonderful and will increase dental patient flow, none will bring in an entirely new patient base.

Sleep Apnea Training for Dentists

Unlike some sleep apnea training courses that only provide you with solutions to the problem, DSM Solutions gives you and your team the tools you need to both diagnose and treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. That’s right, you AND your team.

Another problem with other dental sleep medicine courses is that the dentist is the only one who ever learns anything. With DSM Solutions every team member will have hands on instruction so that they can learn everything there is to know about sleep apnea training for dentists.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

OSA is a condition that causes people to wake up because they have stopped breathing. These episodes occur around 30 times every hour. Sadly, OSA causes all sorts of problems and can even lead to more serious health issues. For all there is to know about OSA, check out the DSM Blog.

OSA Training for All Parts of the Puzzle

When you work with the team from DSM Solutions you will get the inside scoop on billing and other paperwork issues that come with offering dental sleep medicine to your patients. Your team will too.

Dental sleep medicine training, just like restorative and cosmetic dentistry changes people’s lives. While you probably already know how much your practice has helped people with teeth and gum issues, it’s time to consider how much dental sleep medicine will help your patients.

Another thing to remember is that you will be attracting a new type of patient. That new patient may be someone who already has a local dentist. However, once that foot is in your door it’s very easy to convert.

Sleep Apnea Training for Dentists

If you would like to learn more about customized dental sleep medicine training programs, call, send a text or a direct message and talk to a team member from DSM Solutions today.



If you are looking for a way to increase your patient flow talk to DSM Solutions. The team from DSM Solutions offers dental sleep medicine training to dentists just like you.

DSMT is fairly new and something most dentists probably haven’t heard of. Consequently, it’s excellent for your dental practice.

Used to help people who snore and to diagnose and treat people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, dental sleep medicine really works and is much less invasive than other types of treatments used for OSA.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring

While snoring is a sign of OSA, a condition that causes a person to stop breathing while sleeping, people who snore don’t always have obstructive sleep apnea.

This and other tools for OSA diagnosis are just a few of the things you will learn when you work with DSM Solutions.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

If you have considered offering dental sleep medicine training but were turned off by what you found online, check out DSM Solutions.

The best dental sleep medicine training company on the planet offers sleep apnea solutions for dentists and dental teams, not just the dentist. Everyone will learn everything there is to know about diagnosing and treating mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine Training?

According to the highly qualified team from DSM Solutions, dental sleep medicine training is designed to help patients, and potential ones, combat obstructive sleep apnea. While there is no cure, people with OSA see relief using oral appliance therapy along with other types of solutions that don’t include surgery.

DSM Solutions explains that surgery is a solution for obstructive sleep apnea. However, it is only a last resort. There are other treatments and techniques that work wonders for OSA.

CPAP Therapy for OSA

Most people have heard of CPAP therapy. If you haven’t it is the most common solution for obstructive sleep apnea.

CPAP therapy uses a hose that is connected to a machine. That hose is also connected to a mask that you keep on your mouth and nose throughout the night. CPAP therapy forces air through the airways keeping them open. This allows people with OSA to breathe freely without gasping for breath.

As you can imagine it does take some getting used to. Sadly, some people with OSA never get used to CPAP therapy and stop using the machine.

Dental Sleep Medicine Works

Dental sleep medicine works and is the gentle way to help people who suffer from OSA. Adding it to your list of dental services helps you help more people. Isn’t that why you became a dentist in the first place?

Call DSM Solutions for more information today.






With dental sleep medicine training from DSM Solutions, you can open your practice up to an entirely new group of people. Best of all, not every dentist is providing patients with dental sleep medicine.

Most dental practitioners become dentists because they feel the need to help people. As one of those dentists, you are probably always looking for new ways to do just that.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine Training?

Dental sleep medicine training provides dentists and their teams with all of the tools needed to diagnose and treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. Using less intrusive methods, it helps the patient get a better night’s sleep using solutions such as oral appliance therapy.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Just to refresh your mind, as you will find everything you need to know in the DSM Solutions Blog, obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA is a condition that stops someone from breathing while they are sleeping. Because the back of the throat relaxes, for whatever reason, people gasp for breath waking up and going back to sleep 100s of times every night.

During your training, you will also learn these OSA risk factors and more.

  • Obesity, however not all overweight people have OSA and vice versa
  • Large neck size men 18” or more women 16” or more
  • Family history
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Certain over the counter and prescription medications
  • Diabetes
  • Narrow airways
  • Tonsils and adenoid enlargement
  • High blood pressure
  • Chronic nasal congestion
  • Smoking
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Asthma
  • Being a man

Solutions for OSA

While CPAP therapy is the most common treatment, something else that you will learn in your dental sleep medicine training program, it isn’t the only way to combat OSA.

With CPAP being the most common, surgery is the last resort. Some people report no change a few months after OSA surgery having to go back to CPAP therapy and heavy prescription medications.

Oral appliance therapy on the other hand is an incredible way to help your patients get a good night sleep. Oral appliance therapy devices help keep the airways open and are designed for each patient.

During your DSM solutions training, you will learn how to diagnose, treat, and uncover the best oral appliance device along with other therapies that don’t involve surgery.

Add Value to Your Practice with Dental Sleep Medicine

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training with DSM Solutions, call, send a text or a direct message to a team member today.


If you have been looking for more ways to help your patients, look no further than dental sleep medicine with DSM Solutions. Adding this service to your toolbox is an incredible way to help your patients and their family members and friends.

Not as Common as You Might Think

Because dental sleep medicine isn’t a common service, you’ll be expanding your patient base. You will also be better known in your community because you are adding something that other dentists don’t offer.

Best of all, you’ll be able to diagnose and treat your patients using oral appliance therapy and other means for people who have, or think they may have, mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

If you follow the DSM Solutions Blog, you will recall that OSA, short for obstructive sleep apnea, is a condition that affects billions of people all over the world. Here in the US millions of people are affected. The sad thing is some aren’t even aware they have OSA.

OSA causes the back of the throat to collapse or relax while sleeping. This makes it impossible for the sufferer to breathe.

Because the person can’t breathe, the brain wakes him or her up so that they can catch a breath. These episodes can occur twenty or thirty times an hour.

People who have OSA also experience the following symptoms:

  • Loud Snoring
  • Witnessed Breathing Cessation
  • Insomnia
  • Problems Staying Awake During the Day
  • Low Libido
  • Moodiness
  • Headaches
  • Dry Mouth

People at Risk

Although there is no certain factor that puts someone in the high-risk category for obstructive sleep apnea, some things make people more susceptible to OSA.

You could have OSA if you are:

  • Obese
  • Male
  • Postmenopausal
  • On Certain Medications
  • Over 65
  • A Heavy Smoker or Drinker

People who still have tonsils and adenoids, including children, and people who have a large neck, men over 18” and women over 16” are in the high-risk category for obstructive sleep apnea.

With dental sleep medicine, training you will be able to identify the signs and symptoms of OSA and learn how to treat the disorder as well.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine Training?

Dental sleep medicine training teaches dentists and team members how to diagnose and treat mild to moderate OSA. The courses offered by DSM Solutions also show dental practices the administrative side.

Customized for Better Solutions

DSM believes that every dental practice is different. In fact, every practice receives a customized dental sleep medicine training package that fits their personality.

Following the in person and online training every member of your team will understand obstructive sleep apnea and how to diagnose and treat it.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training for Everyone

If you have thinking about dental sleep medicine training, or hadn’t even considered it, schedule a consultation with DSM Solutions. It will make a difference to everyone involved.

Call and schedule a consultation today.  




Dental sleep training is a specialty that will attract new patients to your dental practice. Used for obstructive sleep apnea, dental sleep medicine helps people deal with the disorder without having to deal with an uncomfortable CPAP machine.

If you follow the DSM Solutions Blog, you will remember that CPAP machines are cumbersome and often left unused. This makes obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, even more dangerous.

Dental Sleep Medicine for OSA

OSA is affecting millions of people around the globe. Helping diagnose and treat the disorder helps your patients and new ones. It’s important to note that people with OSA may not necessarily be attracted to your dental practice.

When you add a service that other dentists don’t offer, you are opening yourself up to a world of possibilities.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training for Your Entire Practice

When you work with DSM Solutions, the whole team learns dental sleep medicine. The customized training solutions are provided to fit with you and your schedule. This means you won’t have to worry about your day-to-day happenings being interrupted.

Having the team onboard is especially important as the programs from DSM Solutions also include billing, diagnostic tool instruction and help with your Medicare DME Application.

A Customized Solution that Works

The DSM training experts understand that every practice is different. This means every practice receives a customized training program that is designed especially for them and only them. When you work with DSM Solutions, you are never treated with a cookie cutter approach.

With focused training for DSM Solutions, everyone is on the same page when it comes to dental sleep medicine. Working together you and your team will have both virtual and hands on training for dental sleep medicine.

DSM for Solutions

Once you and your team have completed your training you will be able to provide your patients, and potential ones, with the care they need.

DSM Solutions are the experts when it comes to implementing obstructive sleep apnea into your practice. From oral appliance therapy and other types of treatments for OSA, you will feel the rewards when you help people overcome mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

Add Value to your Dental Practice

Adding DSM to your list of products and services is an excellent way to increase your patient base.

Let the team from DSM Solutions help you and your team learn how to treat OSA effectively with dental sleep medicine training. Call for more information today.

Most practicing dentists became doctors because they wanted to help people. These days it is even easier with all of the new services open to the dental world.

Things like custom made mouth guards for sports and oral appliances for temporormandibular disorders can help everyone. This also includes people who normally wouldn’t be attracted to your dental practice. It’s a new decade and DSM Solutions has taken things one-step further. With dental sleep medicine training you can really help people.

What is DSM Training for OSA?

Dental sleep medicine training teaches dental practices, doctors and the entire team. Everyone will learn how to diagnose and treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

OSA or obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that relaxes the back of the throat up to thirty times an hour or hundreds of times a night. Because the throat relaxes, the person can’t breathe waking up abruptly before falling back to a restless sleep.

While there is no one reason people suffer from OSA, people who are overweight, middle aged, post menopausal, men or people with large neck sizes are in the high-risk category. People who have a family history of obstructive sleep apnea, people with tonsils and adenoids, and people who take certain over the counter and prescription medications are also prone to OSA.

How Dental Sleep Medicine Training Works

According to the experts from DSM Solutions, dental sleep training works because the program teaches the whole team, not just the doctor or doctors. The courses are custom made and designed for each practice and include everything you and your team need to diagnose and treat OSA with dental sleep medicine. These hands on training courses even include training for billing and selling.

Dental Sleep Training for Your Dental Practice

If you are considering adding additional services to your menu, call now. Not only Dental sleep training an excellent source of income and an excellent source for new dental flow.

Call and schedule a complimentary consultation with DSM Solutions. Dental sleep medicine training is rewarding and fulfilling. Call or text for more information today.

Adding services to your menu does more than boost your end of year earnings. When you add services to your dental practice, you are also helping your patients.  Adding cosmetic dentistry services is an excellent add on that existing clients will love. But so is dental sleep training.

Think of it this way, what if you added a service that attracted different patients from a different demographic? What if you took additional training courses to provide your patients with a better way to sleep at night? What if you helped people overcome morning headaches and dry mouth?

You can do all of that and more when you take the plunge and become licensed to diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea with dental sleep training from DSM Solutions.

DSM Solutions for Dental Sleep Training

DSM Solutions is your one stop shop for dental sleep medicine training. You can diagnose your current patient list or new patients who would have never scheduled an appointment. Those are the patients you would never have if you didn’t offer oral appliance therapy and other treatments.

Dental Sleep Training from the Experts

When you sign up for customized dental sleep training from DSM Solutions you will have all the tools you and your team need to diagnose and treat apnea. In the past, the only solution was CPAP therapy and surgery. Thankfully, dental sleep medicine for OSA has changed all of that.

What You’ll Get from DSM Solutions

DSM Solutions offers your entire team virtual and in person training for dental sleep medicine. With customized solutions that include billing, you will be amazed at how many people you will help when you add dental medicine to your list of services.

Dental Sleep Course Covering All Bases

DSM Solutions does more than show you how to custom make an oral appliance. The team from DSM also shows you how to diagnose using the latest OSA diagnostic equipment available. You and your team will also learn how to titrate oral appliances and how to advertise your new service to increase dental flow.

It’s All About Teamwork

It takes a team to implement a new service into a dental practice, especially dental sleep medicine. Every single person who works on your team will have access to the tools from DSM Solutions.

Best of all, everyone on the team will understand diagnosis, treatment and billing, not just the doctor. Because DSM Solutions has built the best relationships in the business with top diagnostic tool distributors, you, your practice, and your patients will reap the rewards as well.

Make a Change for Your Patients and Your Practice

You can change someone’s life and the life of your practice with dental medicine. Call or text and schedule a no obligation consultation with DSM Solutions today.

Dental sleep medicine is just as rewarding for you as it is for the patient. Contact DSM Solutions for more information regarding dental sleep training today.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a devastating condition that could be keeping millions of households all over America awake at night. OSA affects the back of the throat causing it to relax. When the throat relaxes, it narrows the passageways affecting the way a person breathes. Obstructive sleep apnea training is an excellent solution to help those people sleep better.

OSA doesn’t discriminate but there are some risks to be aware of which include:

  • Obesity
  • Snoring, although not everyone who snores suffers
  • Neck size for men it’s 18” for women it’s 16”
  • Being a man
  • Family history
  • Being post menopausal
  • Being diabetic
  • Alcohol use
  • Sedative and tranquilizer use
  • Facial configurations
  • Large tonsils or adenoids
  • Drinking at bedtime
  • Hypothyroidism
  • High growth hormone levels also known as acromegaly

As a dentist there is something that you can do about obstructive sleep apnea, and best of all, it can boost your bottom line as well.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Training for Dentists

DSM Solutions offers dental practices obstructive sleep apnea training. Unlike some solutions specialists, DSM also teaches you how to identify and diagnosis obstructive sleep apnea. This means you can treat patients who already have OSA and people who haven’t been diagnosed but suspect they may be suffering.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Training?

Dental sleep training is a service that you can add to your menu. This service offers patients an alternative when it comes to OSA solutions.

DSM Solutions offers customized dental sleep training packages for your entire dental practice. Remember, just like your other services your team needs to learn protocol when it comes to dental sleep training and oral appliance therapy for OSA.

OSA Therapies

Before oral appliance therapy, people with obstructive sleep apnea relied on CPAP therapy. CPAP therapy has been used for decades but because it is cumbersome is often left on the nightstand.

If CPAP therapy didn’t work, some resorted to, and still commit to surgery. While surgery works in some cases, patients report that the OSA often comes back over time.

Oral appliance therapy for OSA has changed the way people breathe at night, and is an excellent remedy for people with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

All the Tools You Need for Dental Sleep Training

DSM Solutions offers small and large dental practices all the tools needed to diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea. Each individualized training program is customized to suit your needs and the needs of your patients.

The Advantages of Dental Sleep Training

While there are many advantages to dental sleep training, one of the biggest is dental flow. When you open your dental practice up to a different demographic, you are gaining more patients. Patients that wouldn’t normally seek you out. Those same patients will tell their friends and so on.

Dental sleep training is an incredible way to increase your patient base and your end of year earnings.

If you would like to learn more about obstructive sleep apnea training, call and talk to DSM Solutions today.












Adding new products to your list of services is adventurous and could be a wonderful new source of income. However, when you add a new service, such as dental sleep training, it’s even more exciting.

Oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea is an incredible product and service that people love, especially if the dental sleep appliance provider just happens to be a dentist as well.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Training for Dentists

dental_sleep_training_DSM_SolutionsThanks to Dental Sleep Management Solutions, you can add dental sleep training to your list of achievements. DSM Solutions works with you and your team to provide the best dental sleep training with both online and live courses. Best of all the DSM team works with you according to your schedule, not the other way around.

The Best Training for Your Dental Practice

As a unique training facility, DSM Solutions offers programs for small and large practices whether you run a multi city practice or a small country dental office that caters to a tiny township.

One of the best things about sleep apnea training for dentists is that it is customizable to your needs and the needs of your patients. Most importantly, it is geared towards the needs of your team as well. Adding a new service takes teamwork, especially when it comes to identifying obstructive sleep apnea.

A Step Further with DSM Solutions

DSM Solutions is more than a series of classes. In other words, you won’t have to pay multiple bills just to learn dental sleep training. When you sign up with DSM Solutions, you are learning everything there is to know about dental sleep training.

Each training session provides you with everything you need including support, billing, and diagnostic tools. With both web and live-based classes, everyone on your team has the opportunity to learn everything there is to know about oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnea including diagnosing the disorder.

If you follow the DSM Blog, you will remember how dangerous and deadly OSA can be. Sadly, people who sleep alone may have no idea they wake up 30 times every hour just to catch a breath.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Opens Doors

With so many people suffering from mild to moderate sleep apnea, it won’t take you long to increase dental flow. Even if a patient doesn’t suffer from OSA, he or she will certainly tell family and friends about your new service. Obstructive sleep apnea training for dentists opens a new demographic and an entirely new profit funnel.

If a new product or service is on your mind for the New Year, call and schedule a no obligation consultation with DSM Solutions. It could change your practice and the life of someone who is suffering from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

Call or click for a dental sleep training consultation with DSM Solutions today.