• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com

Category Archives: News

It’s a new year and that means it’s time to consider a new service for your dental practice. Perhaps you have already started to ponder the idea but aren’t sure where to start. Perhaps you haven’t even considered dental sleep medicine training.

Regardless, adding a service that isn’t available from every other dentist in town is great. DSM Solutions agrees that it really is an excellent way to spread the word about your business.

While most dentists offer some type of cosmetic dentistry or restorative specialty, most do not offer dental sleep medicine.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine?

Dental sleep medicine from DSM Solutions teaches you and your team how to diagnose sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea.

If you have been following this blog you will know that OSA is potentially deadly but can be controlled as long as it is diagnosed and treated properly.

Your dental sleep medicine trainer will tell you that treating osa is one thing, diagnosing it is another.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

DSM Solutions have dedicated years to continued training and will show you and your team how to diagnose and treat sleeping disorders.

This is especially important. Dr. Greenman explains that some people aren’t even aware they are waking up 30 times every hour every night.

DSM Solutions helps you and your team identify and treat OSA without surgery using oral appliance therapy.

Each custom solution is tailored to you and your dental practice as there is no cookie cutter approach when it comes to dental sleep medicine.

The Best Customer Support

The team from DSM Solutions will be with you from the beginning through to the end of your dental sleep medicine training and beyond.

You and your team will never feel left in the dark. DSM Solutions is with you every step of the way.

Sleep apnea dentist Dr. Steven Greenman is a founding father of the Oral Appliance therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea at USC School of Dentistry.

Dr. Greenman has been using dental sleep medicine in his own practice since 2009. Moreover, he loves sharing his passion and knowledge with other dental practices.

Nicole Greenman started DSM Solutions to help people like you add dental sleep medicine training to the menu.

As a dental marketer, Nicole and DSM Solutions have helped dozens of dental practices add dental sleep medicine training to their services.

DSM Solutions

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training, call or send a direct message to DSM Solutions today.

Coming up with new services for your dental practice doesn’t have to be difficult and it won’t be when you connect with DSM Solutions for dental sleep medicine training.

The team from DSM Solutions offer training for both the dentist and his or her team.

You won’t find a better place to learn how to diagnose and treat sleep disorders including obstructive sleep apnea.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Sleep Disorders

Affecting millions of people all over the planet, obstructive sleep apnea takes a toll on overall health affecting the person suffering and others in the household as well.

DSM not only helps people who suffer from sleeping disorders but can also help people who snore. People who snore are not getting proper air flow.

If you have ever been in a home where someone is a chronic snorer you will understand how difficult it is to get a good night’s sleep. Thankfully 21st century dental technology has paved the way for DSM.

When you and your team learn DSM you will know how to diagnose disorders and treat them as well.

In addition, you will be able to tell if the person snoring is also suffering from a sleeping disorder. This is extremely important as some sleeping disorders can turn deadly if they are not treated.

DSM Training

When you become a member of the DSM Solutions team you’ll have the support you need from the beginning to the end and everything in between. However, you will also have support after you complete your DSM training.

This is vital as adding a new service to your menu can be daunting. With DSM Solutions there is always someone available to help you get through the learning curve.

Unlike other DSM training schools, DSM Solutions teaches you and your team everything you need to know from diagnosis and treatment to billing and Medicare issues.

You will never be in the dark when you sign up for dental sleep medicine training with DSM Solutions. They always have your best interests at heart and strive to help you become successful with dental sleep medicine.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

If you are adding a new service, talk to DSM Solutions before you consider something else. Don’t forget you’ll be attracting an entirely new set of patients who probably wouldn’t have found you had you not offered dental sleep medicine.

For more information regarding dental sleep medicine, call or send a direct message and talk to a team member from DSM Solutions today.  



The New Year is nearly here and that means it’s time to take stock of your dental practice. For example, if adding a new service is on your agenda, but you haven’t decided what to add, dental sleep medicine could be the way to go.

DSM is an excellent service that will not only help your patients, but also the patients that you normally wouldn’t have if you didn’t offer the service.

DSM Solutions

Dental sleep medicine is used for a variety of issues including snoring and sleeping. Keep in mind that people who snore won’t always be diagnosed with a sleeping disorder. To be diagnosed with a sleeping disorder there must be other symptoms to watch for.

Those Symptoms Include:

  • Loud Snoring
  • Observed Breathing Cessations while Sleeping
  • Waking Gasping for Breath
  • Waking with a Dry Mouth
  • Loss of Libido
  • Morning Headaches
  • Problems Staying Awake During the Day
  • Mood Swings
  • Depression

Dental Sleep Medicine Helps People

DSM helps you diagnose and treat sleeping disorders such as OSA along with snoring and other types of issues that happen while sleeping.

When you incorporate dental sleep medicine into your list of services you’ll be helping people sleep better, but you will also be helping them live a longer life.

Dental sleep medicine training with the experts from DSM Solutions provides you and your dental practice the tools you need to diagnose AND treat sleeping disorders.

You will also learn how to bill and work with the proper channels to insure its smooth sailing for all concerned.

DSM Solutions

Helping people is the greatest satisfaction you will receive when you add DSM to your list of services.

If you follow this blog you will recall how OSA can cause serious health complications, include heart disease and stroke. When you add this service to your dental practice you could be saving someone’s life.

One of the biggest advantages of working with DSM Solutions is that you will be learning how to treat AND diagnose sleeping disorders.

Most DSM training providers only teach dentists how to treat snoring and OSA with oral appliance therapy.

You’ll have hands on training from the beginning through to the end and beyond. You will never be left hanging when you work with DSM Solutions.

Learn More from the Dental Sleep Medicine Experts

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training, call or send a text and talk to DSM Solutions today.


If a new service is on your mind, consider dental sleep medicine. This amazing dental service is the perfect thing to add to your menu of services. However, it’s much more than that.

In addition to adding a new service to your dental practice, you’ll also be attracting patients that you normally wouldn’t, patients who already have a family dentist.

DSM Solutions Provides All You Need

DSM Solutions provides everything you and your team need to offer dental sleep medicine to patients and potential ones.

With this amazing new service your dental practice will thrive while giving patients relief. In some serious cases, DSM may even save one of your patient’s lives.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training at its Finest

Unlike other training programs, DSM Solutions provides your entire team with everything needed to diagnose and treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea and chronic snoring.

From diagnosing to treatment and even billing, you’ll be glad you chose DSM to add to your list of products and services.

Once you have your practice up to speed you can start marketing your new services. You’ll be surprised at how many new people you’ll attract to your dental practice when you offer something that people wouldn’t normally find in a dentists’ office.

Marketing Dental Sleep Medicine

After you and your team have officially become dental sleep medicine providers it’s time to let the rest of the world know about it.

You could be the only DSM provider in your community, but if no one knows about it, no one will be able to get the help they need.

If you are already marketing your dental practice on social media be sure to add your new DSM service to your profile.

Remember to post about it and offer free evaluations. This is an excellent way to promote your dental practice on social media. It is also an extraordinary way to bring new business into your dental practice.

New Business for Your Dental Practice

Chronic snorers and people with sleeping disorders most probably have a dentist already, but that doesn’t mean they won’t want to become your patient.

Having a dentist who treats sleep apnea, teeth and gums is an excellent way for patients to save both time and money.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training for your practice, call or send a direct message to a team member from DSM Solutions today.

If you are on the hunt for something new to add to your  practice, think about adding dental sleep medicine.

Adding this to your list of services is one of the best ways to attract new patients. Best of all these are patients that wouldn’t necessarily visit your dental practice.

Dental Sleep Medicine More Popular than Ever

DSM is becoming more popular. However, there is still plenty of room in the marketplace, especially if you consider how many people snore and how many people suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.

If you follow the DSM Solutions Blog you will recall that obstructive sleep apnea is something that affects people of all sizes and shapes. It also affects people of all ages and both sexes.

Dental Sleep Medicine

Specifically used to treat people with sleeping disorders, including OSA and snoring, dental sleep medicine comprises different methods of therapy to treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea and chronic snoring.

How DSM Works

According to the experts from DSM Solutions, dental sleep medicine works by using devices to keep the airways open so that the person suffering is able to breathe.

If you know anything about OSA you know that it causes a person to stop breathing. Breathing cessation happens as many as 20 times every hour.

DSM explains that  mouth guards and/or oral splints may be needed to worn every night or constantly depending on the individual.

Your dental sleep medicine training teaches you and your staff how to diagnose and treat the disorder.

While most dental practices that offer oral appliance therapy have the training to diagnose.

How DSM Helps

People who snore constantly or those who suffer from OSA are usually subjected to CPAP therapy or even surgery. While both work, CPAP is abandoned because of comfort while surgery often fails.

Oral appliance therapy works with the individual using custom made splints or custom made mouth guards. Both of these products work with the individual and are far less cumbersome than CPAP therapy.

DSM Solutions to the Rescue

If you still need convincing, talk to the team from DSM Solutions. You’ll learn that your team gets in on the act as well learning everything about OSA diagnosis and treatment. Everyone is on the same page with DSM Solutions.

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training for your practice, call or send a direct message to a team member from DSM Solutions.

You’ll be helping people and your practice. Call or send a text today.

Helping people sleep better with dental sleep medicine may seem like an odd service to add to your practice, but it really isn’t.

Firstly, millions of people suffer from potentially dangerous sleeping disorders. Secondly, this service is one of the fastest growing dental practice services out there. DSM Solutions explains that it could save lives. 

Dental Sleep Medicine

Dental sleep medicine is quickly becoming the hot trend for dental practices. Because stress and anxiety seems to be more common these days tooth grinding, problems with TMJ and other issues cause problems for patients when they are awake and when they sleep.

Some of these chronic problems include:

  • Tooth Clenching and Grinding
  • Loud Snoring
  • Breathing Cessation
  • TMJD

Of course, along with these issues come the complications including obstructive sleep apnea. Loud snoring and breathing cessation are just two OSA symptoms you should be aware of.

Patients who have OSA see amazing results when using dental sleep medicine for obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.

People who snore might not ever wake anyone again. Oral appliance therapy, just a portion of dental sleep medicine helps the throat so that you won’t snore.

Dental Sleep Training with DSM Solutions

DSM Solutions are the leaders in sleep medicine training. From diagnosis to treatment and even billing you are in the best hands when you become a student of DSM Solutions.

Unlike other training schools DSM works with the doctor and the whole team. No one is ever left out of the equation when it comes to customized training.

Customized Training from the Beginning

When your customized plan is designed, the team will take everything into consideration from the size of your practice to your growth expectations.

With this understood DSM Solutions has a better grasp of what to focus on when it comes to your customized dental sleep medicine training program.

Billing Always Included

One of the little known lessons is billing. It is a whole new ball game when you include DSM in your list of services.

DSM Solutions teaches you every facet including billing making it easy to include it with your other products and services.

DSM Provides Solutions

Just like the name, DSM provides solutions for every dental practice. From a small one doctor practice in Boulder City to a large facility in Denver you are in the best hands when you delve into the world of DSM.

For more information regarding dental sleep medicine training, call or send a text message and talk to a team member from DSM Solutions today.




As a doctor you want to provide your patients with the best care possible. Thanks to DSM Solutions, you can increase that care by adding dental sleep medicine for obstructive sleep apnea to your list of services.

Dental sleep medicine gives people relief from snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. By following the DSM Blog you will begin to learn the dangers of OSA. Those dangers include sleep deprivation, mood swings, loss of libido or worse.

Other OSA Dangers Include:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Stroke
  • Recurring Heart Attacks
  • Abnormal Heartbeats
  • Loss of Libido
  • Mood Swings
  • Daytime Sleepiness

OSA is dangerous, especially if you are behind the wheel and nod off to sleep.

As you can see this potentially deadly disorder is something that should be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.

Dental Sleep Medicine

DSM Solutions is proud to offer dental practices and their teams the opportunity to learn dental sleep medicine.

When you work with the professionals you will quickly learn all there is to know about the dangers of OSA

While some dsm providers only teach the team about OSA treatment, DSM Solutions goes one step further. When you begin your in person and online courses, you’ll also learn how to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea as well.

The Better Solution for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Because you and your dental team learn how to diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea you’ll be able to treat more people. In addition, you will also begin treating patients who may never have stepped foot in your practice.

Offering dental sleep medicine is nothing new, but diagnosing AND treating the disorder is. With DSM Solutions you’ll have all of the tools you need to help patients who think they may be suffering but haven’t had a sleep study yet.

OSA Billng and Behind the Scenes

Diagnosing and treating OSA is just the beginning as DSM Solutions also teaches you and your team about billing and diagnostics.

Your personalized training system also includes help with your MediCare DME application. DSM Solutions has you covered for everything when it comes to providing dental sleep medicine to your patients.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Dental Sleep Medicine

If you and your team would like a customized dental sleep medicine training system, call or send a text. DSM Solutions is ready to help you, your practice, your patients and potential ones get a better nights sleep.

For more information regarding dental sleep medicine for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring, call or send a direct message to DSM Solutions today.



One of the most overlooked dental services you can provide your patients, and potential ones with is dental sleep medicine.

Most dental practitioners would agree that there is nothing more rewarding than helping patients.

From replacing missing teeth to altering a smile, restorative and cosmetic dentistry is a god send to anyone who has decided on porcelain veneers, cosmetic dental crowns or dental implants.

DSM Solutions helps people who snore and people who are suffering from a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea.

The Dangers of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Start following the DSM Solutions Blog and you will quickly learn everything there is to know about obstructive sleep apnea.

Referred to as OSA in the medical world, the condition causes a person, male or female, to wake up while asleep. You can only imagine how hard that is on the body.

Worse still is that those who sleep alone can live with the condition for years without even knowing it. That means they can wake up as many as 30 times every hour gasping for breath.

Not only does OSA cause moodiness and low libido, it can also cause serious health issues such as congestive heart failure. In addition, obstructive sleep apnea can cause daytime sleepiness putting your life at risk, especially behind the wheel.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Sleep Disorders

DSM Solutions is the answer when it comes to dental sleep medicine for your dental practice. Every team member from DSM Solutions has the training and experience to teach you and your practice how to not only treat, but diagnose sleep disorders as well.

In the past, dentists were only able to provide patients with treatment for sleeping disorders, but not anymore. DSM Solutions is licensed and able to show you how to diagnose this potentially deadly condition that millions of people suffer from.

Everyone Will Benefit

One of the greatest things about adding dental sleep medicine to your list of services is relief. Start talking to your patients about OSA. In reality, they may not know they are suffering.

DSM Solutions teaches you everything you need to know about dental sleep medicine. When you and your team complete the courses provided by DSM Solutions you will know how to bill correctly, diagnosis and treat the disorder. You will also learn how to market your new service to your patients and potential ones.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Your Practice

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine for your practice, talk to DSM Solutions. Both you and your patients will benefit.

Send a direct message today.


Dental sleep medicine is probably the best thing you can provide for your patients. In fact, providing this amazing service can actually save lives.

Just like the other dental services you provide for your patients, helping someone get a better night’s sleep is a game changer and a life saver.

Getting Started with Dental Sleep Medicine

It’s easy to start the process with DSM Solutions as the team has been helping other dental practices incorporate dental sleep medicine into their menu of services for decades.

As pioneers of DSM training, the team is dedicated to making it fun and easy to learn dental sleep medicine for your dental practice.

Customized Training for Your Dental Practice

Every dental practice is different and it would be foolish to think otherwise. Those differences are what set you and your team apart from the rest.

DSM Solutions prides itself on getting to know you and every member of your dental team. After all, your team is part of day to day operations so why wouldn’t you want them involved.

Your customized training program is beneficial for you and your team, but it is especially beneficial for your patients, and patients that you don’t know about yet.

DSM Solutions for Your Patients

Before you embark on your training program, take a moment to think about your patients. Have you ever asked any of them about sleep apnea? Have you ever brought up the subject and asked them if they snore or wake up often during the night?

While this may seem like an unusual subject to broach with a patient it is the perfect opportunity to find out more about your patient and his or her overall health. It is also the perfect time to talk about your new service.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Snoring and OSA

If you follow the DSM Blog you will recall that OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that causes the sufferer to wake up as many as thirty times a night. They wake up because they are unable to breathe.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes the throat to relax. So much so that it narrows the airway passages. The airways are so narrow that it makes it impossible to breathe.

If the person can’t breathe the brain wakes them up so that they can resume breathing. As you can imagine this causes immense stress to the body and overall health. However, this therapy isn’t just for people who are suffering from OSA.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Snoring

If you snore you probably aren’t as annoyed as those in your household. While snoring by itself isn’t usually life threatening it can cause some sleepless nights for you as well.

Oral appliance therapy is used to treat both snoring and OSA and is just a portion of what you and your team will learn when you embark on your training journey.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training, call, send a text or a direct message and talk to a sleep medicine expert from DSM Solutions today.

Like most doctors you became one to help people. Helping people is the nature of the industry with practitioners always seeking new ways to provide comfort and service. One of those services is dental sleep medicine.

Dentists have a huge opportunity to offer people more than dental care with one of the most exciting opportunities available to dental practices.

That’s right, both dentists AND their teams will learn a new service that most practices in the area probably don’t offer. If they do, they probably don’t diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea with oral appliance therapy.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

DSM Solutions has changed the game with an exciting service that will bring in a different kind of patient, a patient who wouldn’t necessarily visit your practice unless you offered what he or she needed. That service is dental sleep medicine.

Services that Help Your Practice Shine

DSM Solutions are the experts when it comes to dental sleep medicine. The experienced and thoughtful team understands that every practice is different.

That is why every dental practice receives a customized dental sleep medicine training package that is suited for the doctor and every member of the dental team.

That means that every team member is equipped to diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

If you are following along but aren’t sure what obstructive sleep apnea is, become a subscriber of the DSM Solutions blog. To summarize, obstructive sleep apnea, which is also called OSA, is a condition that happens to men, women and children although it is most common in men over 50 and men who are overweight.

OSA causes the sufferer to wake up gasping for breath because the throat closes while sleeping. The throat relaxes so much that the airways become narrow. This makes the brain wake the person up so that they can start breathing again.

Customized Dental Sleep Medicine Solutions

If you are unsure, do your research. It’s a fact that people would rather use an oral appliance than CPAP therapy. CPAP therapy is uncomfortable and often times goes unused making it a useless solution for obstructive sleep apnea.

The alternate OSA solutions that you and your team will learn will help people sleep better. Best of all, the solutions are actually treatments that people will use.

DSM for the Best Solution

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine for your practice, call or send a text and talk to an expert from DSM Solutions today.