• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com

Category Archives: Dental Sleep Medicine

In the dynamic landscape of dental healthcare, practitioners are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance services and generate additional income. One such avenue is dental sleep medicine, or DSM training with DSM Solutions.

This training offers an excellent solution for both new patients and existing ones while addressing a critical health issue. That issue is obstructive sleep apnea.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalent sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep. This leads to daytime fatigue, cardiovascular problems, and other health issues.

As a dentist you have a unique opportunity to provide effective solutions for patients suffering from OSA through DSM training.

DSM Solutions, a leading provider of sleep apnea dental training, equips dentists with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, diagnose, and treat sleep apnea in their patients.

By integrating these services into your dental practice services menu you can not only improve patient outcomes but also create a new revenue stream.

Key DSM Training Aspects with DSM Solutions:

  1. Comprehensive Education: DSM Solutions offers comprehensive training programs that cover the fundamentals of sleep medicine, sleep disorders, and the role of dentistry in managing sleep apnea. Dental teams gain a deep understanding of the science behind OSA and its dental solutions.
  2. Patient Screening: Everyone on your dental team learns how to identify potential sleep apnea patients through simple screening techniques. This proactive approach allows for early detection and intervention, improving patient health outcomes.
  3. Custom Oral Appliances: DSM training includes instruction on the fabrication and fitting of custom oral appliances. These devices are an effective alternative to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, offering greater comfort and compliance for patients.
  4. Patient Education: Dental teams are trained to educate patients about the importance of treating sleep apnea and the benefits of oral appliance therapy. This not only helps in patient retention but also fosters a stronger doctor-patient relationship.
  5. Marketing and Integration: DSM Solutions provides guidance on integrating sleep apnea services into dental practices. Dentists learn how to effectively market these services to attract new patients while also offering this vital solution to their existing patient base.

By offering sleep apnea dental solutions, dentists can tap into an underserved market. Many individuals with OSA remain undiagnosed, and dental professionals can play a crucial role in identifying and treating this condition. This not only improves patients’ quality of life but also enhances the financial health of the dental practice.

DSM Training with DSM Solutions

DSM benefits patients by addressing a serious health issue while allowing dentists to differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

By investing in this training, dental practices can unlock a new income funnel while making a positive impact on the well-being of their patients.

Want to learn more? Send a direct message and have a chat about DSM training with DSM Solutions today.


DSM Solutions explains that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder affecting millions of people all over the globe. Because of this dentists are increasingly taking on a pivotal role in its treatment using dental sleep medicine solutions.

With years of experience and specialized training, the team from DSM Solutions can help you and your team provide a much needed solution for obstructive sleep apnea and other disorders.

The Rise of Dental Sleep Medicine

In the past, the treatment of OSA primarily rested in the hands of medical professionals. However, with advancements in sleep research, it became evident that oral health played a vital role in sleep disorders. DSM Solutions saw the need and created a custom training program that you won’t find elsewhere.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

DSM Solutions training equips you and your team with an in-depth understanding of sleep disorders.

There is never a cookie cutter approach when it comes to dental sleep medicine training. Each course is custom made to suit you and your dental practice with everyone on the team involved.

The Role of OSA Dentists

Dentists trained in dental sleep medicine can now offer effective, non-invasive alternatives to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy with oral appliance therapy.

Custom oral appliances, designed to keep the airway open during sleep, are gaining popularity due to comfort and ease of use.

OSA dentists carefully tailor these appliances to meet the specific needs of each patient, ensuring optimal treatment outcomes.

Years of Experience in Dental Sleep Medicine

The value of experience in dental sleep medicine cannot be underestimated. DSM Solutions have spent years honing their skills so that you can help your patients with dental sleep medicine solutions.

The Importance of Ongoing Education

As with any medical field, dental sleep medicine is continually evolving. DSM Solutions recognizes the significance of staying abreast of the latest research and treatment methodologies.

Continued education ensures that dental sleep medicine dentists remain at the forefront of the field, offering patients cutting-edge solutions and improved outcomes.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

Dental Sleep Medicine has emerged as a critical aspect of obstructive sleep apnea treatment, with dentists playing a crucial role in improving patients’ lives.

Through specialized training and years of experience, you and your team can provide tailored dental sleep medicine solutions that offer relief from sleep-related issues.

As awareness grows and research expands, the partnership between dental professionals and the medical community is set to strengthen, leading to even more effective treatments for OSA.

Find out how you and your team can help people with dental sleep medicine training from DSM Solutions today.


Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep, resulting in potential health risks. Potential health risks that include stroke and heart attack.

While most commonly associated with medical professionals, dentists can play a vital role in identifying and treating obstructive sleep apnea or OSA.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Your Practice

Incorporating dental sleep medicine into your practice enhances your services improving the overall well-being of your patients.

Dental sleep medicine involves the use of oral appliances along with other solutions. These solutions help treat sleep-related breathing disorders, including OSA.

These custom-made devices help maintain an open airway. They do this by repositioning the jaw and tongue during sleep.

By offering such solutions, you can become a valuable resource for patients seeking alternatives.

Specialized Training with DSM Solutions

This specialized training equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose, and manage sleep-related breathing disorders effectively.

DSM Solutions training programs cover topics such as sleep physiology, screening and assessment techniques, appliance selection, and long-term patient care.

By investing in dental sleep medicine training, you can expand your expertise and provide comprehensive care for patients with sleep apnea.

DSM Solutions also provides ongoing support and education to dentists, allowing you to stay updated with the latest advancements in dental sleep medicine and enhance your patient outcomes.

Attract New Patients to Your Practice

With DSM Solutions you can attract new patients who may have previously overlooked dental professionals in their search for sleep disorder treatment.

Many individuals with sleep apnea are unaware of the potential benefits of dental sleep medicine and may only be familiar with traditional medical interventions.

By raising awareness and marketing your practice as a provider of sleep apnea solutions, you can expand your patient base and contribute to the overall well-being of your community.

When promoting your dental practice’s sleep apnea services, it’s essential to educate your patients about the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea and the potential risks associated with untreated OSA.

Boost Your Dental Practice with Dental Sleep Medicine

Integrating obstructive sleep apnea solutions into your dental practice can be a game-changer for both your patients and your business.

By pursuing this new service and offering dental sleep medicine training, you can provide comprehensive care for individuals with sleep-related breathing disorders.

Learn more about dental sleep medicine training from DSM Solutions today.


In the ever-evolving field of dentistry, it is crucial for dental professionals to stay updated with the latest advancements and expand their skill set and that is where DSM Solutions comes in.

One area that has gained significant attention in recent years is dental sleep medicine (DSM). DSM Solutions, a leading provider of dental sleep medicine education, offers comprehensive training programs that equip dental professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective treatment for sleep-related breathing disorders.

Expanding the Scope of Dental Practice

By incorporating DSM into their practice, dentists can effectively address sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring. Moreover this allows dentists to improve the oral health of patients.

Furthermore it contributes to overall well-being. In addition, offering dental sleep medicine services positions dental practices as comprehensive healthcare providers, attracting a wider patient base.

The DSM Solutions Difference

DSM Solutions is a premier provider of dental sleep medicine education. Firstly their training programs are designed by experts in the field. Secondly the team provides comprehensive knowledge on sleep-related breathing disorders, patient assessment, treatment options, and follow-up care.

With an emphasis on evidence-based practices, DSM Solutions equips dental professionals with the necessary skills to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.

Benefits for Dental Professionals:

  1. Increased Professional Competence: Dental sleep medicine training empowers dentists to diagnose and treat sleep-related breathing disorders confidently. This competence allows them to make a significant impact on their patients’ lives and expand their professional horizons.
  2. Improved Patient Outcomes: DSM-trained dental professionals can identify potential sleep disorders early, leading to timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. By offering effective treatment options, such as oral appliances, they can alleviate symptoms and enhance patients’ quality of life.
  3. Practice Growth and Diversification: Incorporating dental sleep medicine services into a dental practice not only improves patient care but also enhances practice growth. By providing a unique service that sets them apart from competitors, dentists can attract new patients and build strong patient loyalty.
  4. Collaboration Opportunities: Dental sleep medicine training from DSM Solutions fosters collaboration between dental professionals and sleep physicians. This interdisciplinary approach promotes comprehensive care and opens doors to referrals and partnerships, expanding professional networks and practice opportunities.

Dental Sleep medicine Training from DSM Solutions

DSM offers dental professionals the opportunity to diversify their services and improve patient outcomes.

By incorporating dental sleep medicine, dentists can effectively address sleep-related breathing disorders, positioning themselves as comprehensive healthcare providers.

Invest in dental sleep medicine education from DSM Solutions and schedule a consultation today.


Offering dental sleep medicine training DSM Solutions is passionate about helping you and your practice help other people. In addition the team is passionate about education.

Moreover, this firm helps dentists learn how to treat sleep apnea. In addition, each program is customized for dentists regardless of practice size.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common disorder that affects millions of people all over the world. It happens when a person’s airway gets blocked while sleeping.

One of the best and most conservative treatments is dental sleep medicine. DSM uses oral appliances to help keep the airway open during sleep.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Sleep Apnea

DSM training schools are dedicated to providing dental professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and treat snoring and sleep disorders.

DSM Solutions offers customized comprehensive training programs. Each covering the latest research.

One of the primary goals of this dental sleep medicine school is to promote the integration into mainstream dentistry.

Firstly, by helping dentists learn how important sleep health is patients will learn as well. Secondly, it’s just another reason you became a dentist. DSM Solutions help improve patient outcomes and overall quality of life.

DSM Solutions provides dentists the opportunity to collaborate with sleep physicians, doctors and respiratory therapists.

This easy to use approach ensures that patients receive the care they need to treat sleep apnea and/or other sleeping disorders.

A Range of Programs for All Practices

DSM Solutions offers a range of programs, from basic introductory courses to advanced certification programs both online and off. This makes it easier for busy dental professionals to fit training into their schedules.

In addition to the educational benefits, dental sleep medicine training schools also provide a valuable networking opportunity for professionals.

By connecting with other dentists, physicians, and sleep specialists, dentists can learn from each other’s experiences and develop a referral network that can help them grow their practices.

Expert Dental Sleep Medicine Training 

Dental sleep medicine training with DSM Solutions is a valuable resource. A resource for dental professionals expanding their skills and knowledge.

By promoting collaboration and interdisciplinary care, the team is helping to advance the treatment of sleep apnea. Furthremore improving the lives of millions of people with sleep apnea.

If you’re a dental professional call for a consultation with DSM Solutions. The team is ready to help you and your dental practice add a service that will help you and your patients.

Call today. 


It’s a new year and if you have been promising yourself a new service DSM Solutions could be just what you are looking for.

DSM Solutions provides dental practices of all sizes dental sleep medicine training. Best of all that training includes the team, not just the doctors.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine?

If you follow the dental sleep medicine blog you will remember that dental sleep medicine helps people who snore and those with sleeping disorders.

Using oral appliance therapy also referred to as OAT, patients who suffer find much relief using custom made mouth guards or oral splints.

Helping Those who Suffer with DSM

You most likely became a dentist to help people and while dental sleep medicine seems like it is out of the realm when it comes to dentistry it really isn’t. In fact, the two should really go hand in hand.

Experts are beginning to understand that there is much to be said about sleeping disorders, snoring and your mouth.

You are most likely aware of the connection between the mouth and the rest of the body. Things like clenching, grinding and other types of disorders can cause serious issues when it comes to natural and restored teeth.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training with DSM

When you work with the team from DSM Solutions you will learn everything there is to know about sleep disorders, including snoring, but that’s not all.

In addition to learning about DSM you will also be taught how to bill correctly and market your new dentistry service.

Your success and the success of your dental team is what drive DSM Solutions to be the best when it comes to dental sleep medicine training.

Oral Appliance Therapy

CPAP therapy often gets abandoned before it has a chance to work. This is because patients find it uncomfortable.

DSM Solutions explains that people stop using the machine because it is cumbersome and uncomfortable for some.

Oral appliance therapy is the gentle way to put the mouth into the correct position. This helps the person suffering prevent serious complications.

When you enroll in the dental sleep medicine program you will learn everything. Everything there is to know about oral appliance therapy including what appliance would be best.

DSM Solutions to the Rescue

Keep your promise and add a new service to your menu with DSM Solutions. Your patients and your team will love you for it.

Schedule a consultation today.


When it comes to new services for your practice adding something that not all dentists have is an incredible way to boost your bottom line. Dental sleep medicine could be the service you have been looking for as not all dental practices offer it to patients.

Providing Solutions for Dentist’s Everywhere

DSM Solutions provides training to doctors just like you. However, the team of dental sleep medicine experts includes the rest of the team in the equation as well.

Most providers only teach the doctor, not the entire dental team. This doesn’t work as everyone needs to be on the same page as it takes a team to provide this type of service.

Moreover your dental sleep medicine training program is tailor made to suit you and your dental practice. There is never a cookie cutter approach when you work with the team from DSM Solutions.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine?

If you follow the DSM Solutions blog you will remember that dental sleep medicine is something that dentist’s use to help a person sleep better.

People who snore and those who suffer from OSA can’t stop shouting the praises when it comes to oral appliance therapy.

While some dental sleep specialists rely on CPAP therapy, the most common solution for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, others don’t like the treatment.

They don’t care for it as it is cumbersome. For those people oral appliance therapy is an amazing alternative.

Oral appliance therapy consists of custom made splints and mouth guards that prevent the tongue from getting in the way of your airways. Oral appliance therapy keeps the jaw forward allowing this to happen.

DSM Solutions

When you work with the team you will be amazed at how thorough the group of instructors is when it comes to DSM.

Each and every team member will have a thorough understanding when it comes to billing and all of the other things that go along with the process.

Everyone is on the same page when it comes to the on hands training program with DSM Solutions.

The best dental sleep medicine training is just a call or click away. Talk to DSM Solutions about your custom made DSM program.

Made specifically for your large or small dental practice it really is one of the best ways to attract new patients to your dentist’s office.

Find out more about dental sleep medicine from DSM Solutions today.




If adding a new product or service to your practice has been crossing your mind quite a bit lately check out dental sleep medicine.

One of the fastest growing dental services, DSM training will get you and your team up to speed. Best of all you will be doing more than most other dentists do when it comes to this type of education.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training and DSM Solutions

DSM Solutions is an amazing offers dental sleep medicine training courses for all team members, but that’s not all.

In addition to offering solutions for the disorder DSM Solutions also teaches clients how to diagnose sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. Most DSM training centers don’t offer that nor do they train team members either.

Most dental sleep medicine firms are only interested in helping the dentist, but not DSM Solutions. This company believes every team member should have training so that everyone is onboard.

What is DSM For?

DSM is used for chronic snorers and for people who suffer from sleeping disorders. If you have been following this blog you will remember hearing about obstructive sleep apnea.

Also known as OSA, obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially deadly disorder that affects billions of people all over the world. Unfortunately, the majority of those people aren’t even aware they are suffering and that is where you and your dental practice come in.

A Different Kind of Help

DSM Solutions has been helping dental practices just like yours add dental sleep medicine training to their list of services. They are adding it because it not only increases end of year earnings but also helps patients.

Because DSM is fairly new when it comes to dentistry doctors are taking classes because the service attracts a different kind of patient.

DSM attracts people who wouldn’t normally be scheduling an appointment with you because he or she already has a dentist. Best of all, once you start working on the issue your DSM patient may decide to seek you and your practice out for dental services.

This is just one of the many benefits you will see when you work with DSM Solutions this type of service.

Dental Sleep Medicine Solutions

If you are considering new services talk to DSM Solutions. The team will be able to help you and your practice help more people.

Send a direct message and schedule a consultation for dental sleep medicine training today.


Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that affects millions of people all over the planet. This condition makes it impossible for people to get a good night’s sleep.

It makes it impossible because it wakes the man, woman or child up as many as 30 times every hour to breathe.

What you Need to Know about OSA

If you have been following the DSM Solutions Blog you will know that obstructive sleep apnea keeps people awake at night. It keeps them awake because OSA causes the back of the throat to relax.

Once the relaxation sets in the person suffering from obstructive sleep apnea wakes up abruptly. That interruption in sleep comes because the brain wakes the person enabling him or her to breathe again.

While OSA may seem like a nuisance it is much more than that. In fact, it could be deadly.

Think of it this way, waking up that many times a night for months or even years will eventually take its toll on the body.

Because people who live or sleep alone rarely know they are suffering it is up to the bed partner or household to tell someone they have OSA.

People who live alone are the least likely to know they wake up abruptly gasping for breath.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

Thankfully there is hope for people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea and that help is dental sleep medicine.

With DSM Solutions you can help patients, and potential ones overcome the symptoms of this potentially deadly disorder.

The customized dental sleep training program enables you and your entire team to learn everything there is to know to help people combat the symptoms of OSA.

Unlike some training courses this dental sleep medicine training system is customized for your dental practice.

No two systems are the same when you become a client of DSM Solutions. In addition, your dental practice will grow as you will be adding a service that is usually reserved for the medical world.

After meeting with you and the rest of your team DSM Solutions will come up with a customized system that includes everything you need, even billing.

Add a Service that Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Of course any type of dentistry helps people, but dental sleep medicine takes things one step further with oral appliance therapy and orthotics for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea that are comfortable to use.

For more information regarding dental sleep medicine training, send a direct message and schedule a consultation today.




If your dental practice hasn’t added any new products or services talk to DSM Solutions. DSM Solutions offers dental sleep medicine for practices and everyone on the team.

DSM is an amazing service. It is an amazing service that most dentists are probably not offering in your area.

Dental Sleep Medicine is Incredible

When you add DSM to your menu of services you are opening yourself up to an entirely new demographic.

That new demographic could also bring you patients interested in your dental services. What that means for you is a new way to invite patients to your dental practice.

While some DSM patients may already have a dentist some may not be happy or are interested in seeing someone new.

That makes it the perfect opportunity to, “pitch,” your dental products and services. It really is a win win for the patient and the doctor.

What is DSM Training Anyway?

Dental sleep medicine is a remarkable treatment that enables people to get a better nights rest. DSM helps with snoring and other sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea.

If you follow this blog you will recall that sleeping disorders, such as OSA cause the person suffering to wake up to 30 times every hour. As you can imagine that would cause some issues.

Obstructive sleep apnea will make you tired during the day, but that’s not all. In addition obstructive sleep apnea or OSA will also cause a person to stop breathing while sleeping. The constant cessation in breathing is hard on the brain and the body.

If left untreated OSA can lead to serious side effects such as heart disease. If left untreated it can even cause a stroke. That is what makes dental sleep medicine such a remarkable treatment.

DSM Training

DSM Solutions offers training programs for dental practices all over the planet. However, the programs are for more than just the dentist.

With DSM the entire team will learn everything there is to know about dental sleep medicine.

From billing to oral appliance therapy everyone will be in the loop when you work with the team from DSM solutions.

Dental Sleep Medicine for Patients

If you would like to learn more call and have a chat. Dr. Steven Greenman and his team are ready to help you take the next step.

Call or send a direct message and schedule a dental sleep medicine consultation today.